Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 11 – In what ways does being a lesbian/2-mom family impact your experience of parenting?

I know I'm a bit behind - but it's a non-challenge! :)

Dear Cheeks -

You are one lucky little boy.  You don't only have one mom who loves you to pieces - you have TWO!!  Being a two mom family definitely brings an extra angle to the mix of parenting (not that I know anything else).  I'd say the biggest impact is that you have two women, with two maternal instincts caring for you.  It definitely creates a bit of tension at time - but your mama and I have such a solid relationship that it has only made us stronger as a couple.

Like many other two mom families, we have broken through the traditional roles of "mother" and "father".  Instead, we are "mama" and "mommy".  I carried you for 9-months and gave birth to you - and your mama works at home full time taking care of you, while I work full time in a big office building (ok - a medium sized office building lol).  You have a bond with both of us like none other.

We have only experienced people fawning over you - even though you are a product of two moms.  While I thought we may have gotten odd looks and scowls (especially in the "religious" area we live in currently) we only get well wishes and people telling us we must be doing something right to have such a happy baby.  I can only hope that continues and gets more prominent throughout the world as you grow up.


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