You are one lucky little boy. Not only do you have two moms who love you beyond words can say - you also have other women in your life who love you like your own. I wanted to take the time to tell you about each one of them.
Your Mama
Your mama never knew she could love someone so much until the day she laid her eyes on you. She cares about you like no mother I have ever seen. The tiniest scratch on your tiny toe upsets her because she doesn't want to ever see you in any kind of pain or hurt. No matter how tough a day she has, she always pulls a smile out for you. I watch you both play - and there is no doubt in my mind that if a mother and son were ever made for each other - this was the match. You love to climb all over her, and you love to lean against her while watching your favorite shows on TV. This woman loves you more than I could ever begin to tell you in this blog.
Your Mommy
That would be me! You bring a joy to my life that completes me. I always wanted to be a mom, and you made that happen! I burst with pride everytime you accomplish something new. Watching you walk around like a big boy is just so amazingly wonderful to me. I hate leaving you every day to go to work, but know that you are having a blast with your mama and that we will have our fun time when I get home. When I get home, we play, and play, and play. My favorite time of day with you is reading you your bedtime stories. Your mama and I have been reading to you since before you were born, and you just adore books. I love sitting down and reading your favorite books. You usually give books your undivided attention, and that is a special gift that I hope you continue to cherish. I love you so much my son.

Your Grandma G
You have some bond with your Grandma G. Even though you are only 14 months, you know who she is when you see her. You don't get shy and try to hide like you do with other people. You always have a HUGE smile and hugs for her. She makes you laugh more than anyone else I think, and you adore the time you spend playing with her and seeing her on iChat. As soon as she pops onto the computer screen, your face just lights up with excitement. She spoils you rotten, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Your Grandma C
Your Grandma C might not be here with you in person, but she watches over you with all the angels everyday. She loved you very very much and couldn't wait for the times to see you. I remember you were napping once as a tiny baby, and she just couldn't wait for you to wake up to see you. She came charging up the stairs with a big smile and a hug and held you tight. She loved her grandkids, fried chicken, and pigs. I know she looks down on your with love each and every day.

Your Aunt Jen
Your Aunt Jen would steal you from mama and me if she could! She loves to hug and kiss you and call you BMANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! You laugh at her when I swing you into her and pull you away. She tries to spoil you all the time, but mommy doesn't always let her! When you were born, she couldn't wait to get up to Sanford so she could just hold you, hug you, and kiss you. You have a wonderful Aunt in your Aunt Jen.
Your Cousin Sammi
Your cousin Sammi is 10 years older than you, but treats you like her own little brother. She counts the days until you come to visit so she can help "babysit" you while we are down there. She loves to chase after you, dance for you, play with your toys with you, and laugh with you. You laugh sooooooo much when you play with her. The other day, we were at Grandma G's and we woke Sammi up together. You just stood there and held your arms up for her to pick you up. I know that even though there is a 10 year age difference, you are going to be very close cousins.
And those women my dear, are the women in your life. We all love you beyond words can express. You are one lucky little boy to have so much adoration in your life - and as long as we are all around, you will continue to have that adoration and love.
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