Jen from Adventures of Jen, Tiff and Chunk from posed the question "Why do you blog". I thought it would make for an interesting blog entry, so here we go!
I blog mainly because I want to document Cheeks' childhood for him and myself. I enjoy looking back at past posts to see what was going on a few months ago, and to remind myself how far we have come. I admit, while I have the best intentions of creating a scrap book as Cheeks' baby book, I am horrible at keeping it updated in a timely fashion. This blog is kind of like a virtual baby book for me. I can look back and see what he has accomplished and when. One of these days, I'll transfer that information to his scrap book, but until then, this is a great way to document it quickly and easily.
I also enjoy reading other parents' blogs who have similar families to ours. When we first became pregnant, I had a hard time finding any resources for two mom families. All the sudden, I found one blog who's owner documented their life as part of a two-mom family. That blog linked to other blogs and so forth and so on. I now have an incredible amount of experiences that I can relate to - all from this blogging community.
Thanks for adding to the dialogue! Have you ever thought about turning our blog into a book? I did that with our ttc adventures and have a beautiful hard-bound book to share with chunk when he is an adult (or teenager when he spouts out in anger how we don't love him!) just to show him the trials and love. The company I used makes it very easy and I plan to make another book from his birth to first birthday. If you register on their site, they email coupons!!!! I highly suggest it and may suggest it on my blog for others in a future post.
OK, I just wrote a response but it disappared.Hmph. I love that idea - i had not heard of it before! I'm going to check it out now - THANKS! :)
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