When I got home from work last night, Cheeks was napping. After a quiet dinner with Doc (which was very weird because we are SO used to eating with Cheeks now) the boy woke up and we were ready to celebrate Hanukkah! I carried him downstairs and we twisted the menorah bulbs together. He enjoyed looking at the flickering. Then, I set him in front of his present (which I had basically just laid a piece of wrapping paper over). He touched the paper and then just looked at it. I showed him how to pull off the paper and crinkle it. Once the paper was off, he stared at the chair and reached out to touch it. I picked him up...and put him in it....and.....the lip went down, arms went out, and the cries came!! If he could talk, this would have been his comments:
"What is this?? I got jipped!! I thought you get toys on Hanukkah and all I got was this stinking chair???? I WANT TOYS!!!"
Well, we tried a couple of more times...more tears. We decided to let it be for a bit and Cheeks and I went to the food store. When we got back, Doc took Cheeks inside and I unloaded the car. When I came in, this is what I saw:

Doc was brilliant! She put on Baby Einstein, put Cheeks in the Chair, and voila! no more tears :) Night one turned out to be a success after all. Tonight, we light 2 candles and Cheeks gets his second gift :)
Happy Hanukkah! Cute chair- guess he just wanted to use it at his own pace ;)
Thanks! A little Baby Einstein was all it took! ;)
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