Every year, we have our family over for a huge Hanukkah feast. I make appetizers, matzoh ball soup, brisket, noodle kugel, potato latkes, chicken, challah, desserts out the kazoo. We open presents, have a $5 grab bag, and eat all while filling the house with love and laughter. It's a lot of hard work, but I look forward to it every year.
This year was Cheeks' first Hanukkah Hurrah! He was a natural!! We had my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, niece, aunt, and uncle...plus Doc, Cheeks, and me, 4 cats, and two dogs - it was a houseful for our tiny two bedroom townhome - but everyone fit and everyone had a great time.
Cheeks kept up wonderfully with the conversation. When people would laugh or talk loud, he'd look up from what he was doing, and give everyone a hearty "AHHHHHHHHH" then go back to what he was doing. We bamboozled him with gifts and he made out like a bandit with a Fisher Price Speedway toy from his Aunt and Uncle, a Little People Garage from his Grandma and Grandpa, and a fun 4-in-1 rocker/ride on toy from his Great Aunt and Great Uncle! He had a blast playing with everything. He even participated in the grab bag game by purchasing 5 $1 books from Target's dollar bins! His Aunt picked that gift, but Cheeks was sure to steal it right back from her!
When we ate dinner, he enjoyed chicken, noodle kugel, carrots, potato, challah and matzoh balls! He is a natural when it comes to Matzoh Balls - he couldn't get enough!
After a long day of playing and visiting, Cheeks passed out in his crib and slept allll night. All in all, I'd say he had a fantastic first Hanukkah Hurrah. Can't wait to see him next year when he's walking around at it.