In our journey to conceive, I have done lots and lots of Internet research. I found so many helpful sights - many that educated me and made me more excited. But none that I was fully able to relate to because our journey is a little different than the majority. My other half and I are lesbians. Lesbians trying to start a family (or expand our family, which at the moment consists of my wife, me, our dog, and our 4 cats!).
We decided to start our family about 1 year ago. We went through all of the testing (found out I have PCOS - which can make it difficult to conceive) and decided this month to begin our adventure! So this past month, I've been pumped full of hormones (Clomid and HcG) in the hope that a few of my follicles would grow and rupture and allow one (or more) of my eggs to get inflitrated by liiiiitle tiny sperm. This first month went as follows:
CD 2 - lots of tiny follicles - 4-6 mm
Clomid CD 3-7
CD 12 - 9 mm follicle (disappointed it wasn't larger)
CD 16 - 11 mm follicle
CD 19 - 16 mm follicle (woo hoo!!!)
CD 22 - 23.5 mm follicle!!! (FINALLY!!!) HcG shot at 8:45am
CD23 - IUI #1 (That would be today) :)
So now we're waiting to see what happens. I'm so nervous the sperm is going to fall out....I know..silly to think...but just praying it goes where it needs to go.
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