Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The trip from hell with a bit of sunshine

So much happened on this trip, that I will just bullet point it. I'll start with that I had this fabulous idea to fly into Detroit on Spi!rit and then drive 3 hours to Akron. Here is how that went:

  • Plane to Detroit was delayed by 3 hours. We were stuck in the airport until 8pm with a 9month old baby who was ready for a nap.
  • We finally boarded the plane to find that Sp!rit seats do not recline - unless you pay more for a reclining seat! Water and peanuts also cost extra. 3 hours on a plane with no reclining seats and a baby is a lot!!!
  • Cheeks fell asleep but woke up as soon as we took off. He was fantastic and loved the plane. A perfect little traveler.

  • We landed in Detroit around 11 something at night. We purposely got a hotel room in the terminal because we figured it would be the easiest with Cheeks. Well, the Detroit airport has two terminals - SEVERAL MILES APART!!!

  • We had to load a baby, stroller, and 5 pieces of luggage on a shuttle - in the snow - with a baby who wasn't dressed for the cold because we didn't realize we were leaving the terminal. He kept pulling his hat off.

  • We get to the hotel, check in, get Cheeks to sleep, and realize there is no where to eat because the hotel doesn't allow you to get to the fast food places in the terminal. We had to order a $26 turkey wrap from room service. Doc and I split it.

  • My fantastic parents felt so bad with what we were going through that they said to forget about driving back from Akron to Detroit and they bought us one way tickets from Cleveland to Orlando. YAY!!! However, we now had to get a one-way rental, adding $200 to the rental price. BOO :(
  • We get to H*rtz rental car, and they give us a Camry and an infant seat. Well, the infant seat was for a newborn, and the Camry barely fit our stroller and one suitcase. Stress levels raising more at this point.
  • They upgrade us to an Imapala - everything fits, and they give us a rear facing toddler seat. Seat takes 45 minutes to install and Doc and I are on the verge of divorce (not really - but you'd have thought it if you didn't know us!!)
  • At 2:30 in the afternoon, we were FINALLY on our way to Akron.
  • We arrive in Akron and get to spend time with family there. It was my first time meeting Doc's family in 6 years! They were great and made me feel at home. :) It was verrrry cold though - and Cheeks had to be bundled up constantly (don't forget, he is a Florida baby!)

  • We took Cheeks sled riding!! He loved it and laughed when we went down the hill (pic of this to follow when it is uploaded).
  • While we were there, Cheeks mastered his pulling up to a stand!! Especially during naptime :)

  • After a snow and family filled weekend, we packed up and drove 45 minutes to the Cleveland airport. When I return the car, apparently it was 1 hour late and we were charged an additional $60.
  • Once there, we were told that we had to pay to check a Pack & Play!! Apparently C0ntinental doesn't believe a crib is a necessity and charges for it. I was fuming, but what could I do?? I plan to call up the company and make a complaint soon.
  • We FINALLY made it back to the Orlando airport, after Cheeks napped the whole way back! He woke up a happy camper to a sippy cup of juice.

  • Doc got our bags and Cheeks and I went to get the car. When we got to the car, it was DEAD.
  • 2 hours and $113 later, we had a new battery and were on our way home.

We have NEVER been so happy to just walk into our house. I cannot wait for this weekend - since it is Christmas, we get Friday AND Monday off, and I will be spending every minute of it enjoying my little perfect family :)

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