Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ladies and Gents....we have a first tooth!!!

At 7.5 months, B has sprouted his very first tooth! It's the bottom left middle one. He had been sooooo cranky and snotty for the past two days. The night before last, he wouldn't fall asleep and then was up at 3 - very uncharacteristic of the B-Man. Some orajel seemed to put him right back to sleep. Yesterday, he was still quite the fuss pot. Then, last night, I felt in his mouth - and BAM...sharp little tooth coming through!!! I'm still trying to get a picture...he isn't fully cooperating in that aspect.

Then, last night, after B's bath, I was letting him roll around on the floor. I went into his bathroom to empty the tub and put his toys away. When I came back into his bedroom, (note - the bathroom is IN his bedroom, I didn't leave him unattended!!) HE WAS SITTING!!!! He had somehow pulled himself up from on his belly to a sitting position!!

So much is happening this month. We also have MMMMMMMMM sounds coming out of his cute little toothy mouth now :) My little man is growing up so fast!!!

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