Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6 month visit

Poor B didn't have fun at the doctor today. On top of having his shots, he had an adhesion on his *peepee*. The doc had to fix that which the Bman did NOT enjoy. It is so hard to see your little baby in any sort of pain. I just hugged and held and kissed him after. On the positive front, he is a big boy at 20 pounds 5 oz and 28.5 inches long!!

Once we got home, B fell straight to sleep. He woke up 45 minutes later and was his same old self again - sans so many smiles. His *peepee* was obviously bothering him. Hopefully by tomorrow, the vaseline will have helped to sooth it and he will be even more on his way back to normal.

Oy - I think now begins the not fun to go to the dr time. He was FINE his first few visits - but he's a bit more aware now, and isn't liking it so much anymore!!!

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