Day 1- (April 1) Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts I've been using blog names in this blog, so I figure I'd actually introduce myself in this post. My name is Jaime. I am a 31 year old wife to Jaime (yes, we have the same first name) and mother to our 1 year old son, Bryson. I love to play with my son, blog, read blogs, cook, bake, watch movies, laugh, and just spend time with my family. I work full time as a Client Account Manager for a marketing company - don't ask what I do, because I can never articulate it into words clearly LOL! I have my M.B.A. - but honestly, I feel like it hasn't done much for me, except for increase our monthly expenses by paying back the student loans. That is me in a nutshell :)
A Recent Pic
OK - so it's 2.5 years old - but after 30, they all look alike!! This was our wedding day - I am on the left, Jaime aka Doc is on the right.
15 Interesting Facts
1. When I enjoy a good book, I can read it over and over again.
2. My son looks EXACTLY like me - it's like looking in a mirror sometimes.
3. Sometimes, like today, I have trouble focusing on work - I just want to be off and with my family.
4. I am starting the process to have bariatric surgery performed on me. After a gazillion years of dieting, I'm ready for some assistance in this arena.
5. I actually started a second blog to chronical that journey: The Finding of Jaime
6. I have the attention span of a rubber duckie.
7. I am constantly taking pics or video of Bryson. I'm worried I'm going to forget something - sometimes I think I should put the camera down though and just enjoy the moments with him.
8. I have been highlighting or coloring my hair since I was 16 - I like the changes!
9. I am a coffee addict - and a Java Monster addict.
10. I dislike alcohol - hate the taste.
11. Berries scare me LOL
12. Even though I greatly dislike berries, I let Bryson have them b/c he loves them and I don't want to make my weird dislikes become his.
13. I LOOOOVE Couponing!! I save on average 70% of my grocery bill with coupons!!!
14. Friday nights and Saturdays are my favorite times of the week.
15. I love blue skies. I equally love a good thunderstorm.