Cheeks is 11 months old today! Has it really been that long? Seems like yesterday that I was itching to get home from the hospital with him. I wish I would have taken pictures throughout the year of him holding up a sign of how old he was at that point. Too late now - perhaps with the next baby.
Another exciting event happens today - Cheeks' future wife is being born via c-section at 12:00! My best friend from college is scheduled to have her little girl this afternoon - we joke that she will be Cheeks' future wife. I'll need to come up with a blogname for her. Haha - ok - she is being referred to as "Girl Baby" from now on. Story behind this - my best friend has a cat - she never named the cat - the cat is now referred to as "Girl Kitty". Girl Baby it is :) I am very excited to meet her later today!
This blog entry is all over the place, but wanted to document the funniest thing that he started doing. He has the Fisher Price Lil' Zoomers race track.

He knows how to put his cars in it and turn it on so they spin 'round and 'round. Lately, he has been putting everything and anything in it and then trying to turn it on - rings, cars, books, sippy cups, bottles, and the list goes on. If the track doesn't start to spin, he removes items one by one to see if it will start spinning. Very analytical! Maybe we have the next engineering wizard on our hands. The other night, when cleaning up, I found his bottle just sitting in the track. I got a good chuckle out of that :)