Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pancake Pancake!!

After listening to this several times, I swear he is saying "pancake pancake"!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So Cheeks has met the inevitable regression that I have been reading about on other blogs. My perfect night time sleeper has begun waking up for a bottle around 11:30 pm each night. At first, I thought it was just a one night set-back. We have gone three nights now where he will not even take a second glance at his pre-bedtime bottle, then starts crying at 11:30 because he is hungry. I am trying to nip this in the bud - suggestions welcome to anyone out there who may be reading this!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I so look forward to my weekends. Even though sometimes they are more exhausting than my weekdays, they mean family-time. And I love family time. Sometimes we spend the weekend at home, and around town running errands. Other times, we go to Disney World for the day! (One of the perks of living in the Orlando area). No matter what we do though, it is a full two days and nights with my wife and son.

This weekend's agenda - hanging around the house, running errands, and possibly looking at a couple of rental properties. We are going to have to move eventually to accommodate our growing family as time goes on. I figure it's never too early to start perusing. The sad part is that we are going to have to find homes for some of our animals. Right now, we have 4 cats and a dog. No one is going to rent to us with that brood - so homes we will have to find. This makes me sad - but I know that having that many pets AND a baby makes it difficult to give them the attention they need. I will be happy knowing that they are going to loving homes - the hard part - finding those homes. I know we will though - just need to expend the energy to do so. And that is what weekends are for :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I want to make sure I don't lose track of things I want to look back on and remember. So here are some bullet points:

  • Cheeks is now pulling himself up and furniture cruising all over the place. He still lacks the confidence to let go and stand - but I don't think that is too far in the future.

  • The boy LOVES rice! He will gobble it all up - and ate an entire bowlful last night.

  • When he is enjoying food, he gets a closed mouth smile on his face and goes MMMMMMMMMMMM!!

  • All Cheeks wants to do is stand in the bathtub - it's making bathtime quite difficult. We tried a tip from Grandma G - the letters that stick to the side of the tub - that seemed to increase the amount of time sitting - we'll see how it progresses!

  • His favorite way to conversate at the moment is "YA YA YA YA YA YA".

  • He has begun to give kisses! He is selective in who receives them though. Always Grandma G on the phone, and himself in the mirror LOL

  • His hair has begun to curl :)

  • He still loves when we sing to him.

  • Last night, I started a new tradition - he now picks out what stories he wants to read before bedtime. I lay out a few for him to choose, and he definitely has his wants when it comes to storytime.

  • He would rather feed himself than be spoonfed; however, when it comes to the bottle, he has regressed, wanting his Mama or me to hold it for him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Want at this Moment

I would like to be home with my baby right now - playing with him - making him laugh - chasing him around the floor. But I have another 2 hours before I will see him again. I am planning to take him for a walk later, but first - we are going to have to play. The past couple of days have been very busy - between work, errands, the Y, and life. Tonight is a night for Cheeks and me - and I couldn't be more excited.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Our household got knocked down last week with one (or two) nasty bugs. Cheeks got an upper respiratory infection, followed by a secondary infection. I had a stomach bug, followed by Cheeks' illness. Doc is now at home sick with my stomach bug and a 102 degree fever!

In the midst of all of this, Cheeks' has gained a sense of independence! He now is fully mobile and in complete exploratory mode! He crawls everywhere, and is facinated by electrical outlets (yes, we have all of ours covered, but they still fascinate him). He pulls himself up, lets himself down, pulls himself back up, walks along the coffee table, couch, and his toys. Last night, he walked from me to Doc in no time flat while utilizing the coffee table AND couch for support! I don't think it will be too long before Cheeks is running around!

He no longer stays confined to the living room...that is too boring for him...he now crawls his way into the dining room and kitchen! It is exhausting to say the least! Last night, I took out a big pot, a big wooden spoon, and a couple of magnets. He had a blast putting the magnets in and out of the pot. It was nice to have something simple like that to keep him busy while I prepared dinner.

This is definitely a fun, exciting, and challenging stage - something new for me to get used to!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 Months Old Today!!!

Wow..two posts in one day - it's a miracle! ;)

Our boy is 10 months old today - this makes me so happy but so sad at the same time. He is growing up so fast!! I am so happy he is a big, healthy, growing 10 month old though. I can't wait to see what the next couple of months bring before his first birthday!!

Happy Birthday Cheeks :)

A New Year

Well our 2011 has started off with a family full of sickies. Cheeks started off with a bad cold - runny/stuffy nose, chesty cough, 101 degree fever. I followed shortly after with a stomach bug, and Doc woke up this morning with Cheeks' illness. And now low and behold, my stomach is feeling slightly better, but I am coming down with Cheeks' illness too! My thought is that we are getting all of our yuckiness out at the beginning of the year :)

Cheeks is lying in his crib now - he only napped for 30 minutes, but as long as he is not crying, I'm leaving him up there with hopes that he will fall asleep again and get more rest - which is what he needs.

In the midst of all of this - our boy keeps that huge grin on his face...I love him so much!

And I'll end on a happier note - HAPPY 10 MONTH BIRTHDAY CHEEKS!!! :)